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LED Lighting is taking the lead in the hotel industry--Sofitel stuns with 6000 LED lights
Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour, the five-star hotel illuminates the area with 6,000 exterior LED luminaires. The breathtaking views of the stunning new addition to the Sofitel brand...
LED lighting produces less waste light and more useful lumens than other lighting technologies. If you replace all lighting in your office, school, or other facilities with LEDs, your overall energy efficiency could increase by 60% to 80%...
Whether you're looking for simple, efficient lighting to keep your electricity bills down, voice-activated lights to match the beat of music, mood lighting for social spaces, or more, there's an LED strip for everyone. From basic standard lighting to widely customizable settings, here are the top 10 favorite LED strips...
Top 10 Custom-made LED Lighting Design & Solutions for LED Strip, LED Strips, LED Strip Lighting, LED Strip Lights, LED Strip Profiles, LED Downlights, LED Downlight, LED Panel Light and LED Strip Lighting best Benefits. ...